U.S.-Mexico Border

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Request for thematic hearing on human mobility and structural racism in the region and the need for an anti-racist approach

Human Rights Body Submission
Dec 12, 2022

A coalition of organizations requested a thematic hearing before the Inter-American Commission on Human Rights to address the link between the historical racialization in Central America, Mexico, the United States and Canada and discriminatory migration policies that imperil migrants at every sta

CGRS Comment in Response to DHS Request for Input: Identifying Recommendations to Support the Work of the Interagency Task Force on the Reunification of Families

Executive Branch Comment
Jan 25, 2022

CGRS urges the Interagency Task Force on the Reunification of Families to review all aspects of U.S. asylum law and policy that deliberately or inadvertently lead to family separation, and to make recommendations that will put families at the center of protection.