U.S.-Mexico Border

Help Defend Asylum

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"End this Travesty": Organizations Tell President Biden to Stop Undermining Refugee Protections

Sign-on Letter
Aug 06, 2021

On the 70th anniversary of the Refugee Convention, we joined a letter urging the Biden administration to restart asylum processing at the border, reject the use of expedited removal and immigration detention, and launch legal representation and community-based case support initiatives.

Inside the So-Called “Safe Third”—and Trump’s Latest Attack on Asylum-Seekers

Dec 04, 2019

This piece critiques the United States' agreements with El Salvador, Guatemala, and Honduras, allowing the return of asylum seekers to those countries, which are patently unsafe for refugees and migrants.

Recommendations for Wind Down of the Migrant Protection Protocols

Sign-on Letter
May 18, 2021

We joined a letter to the Biden administration welcoming steps taken to begin winding down the Migrant Protection Protocols (MPP), while raising concerns about the slowing pace of processing and offering recommendations to bring those subject to MPP to safety.

The Trump Administration Must Not Use Pandemic as Excuse to Endanger Refugees

Mar 27, 2020

This article calls on the Trump administration to reverse its Title 42 expulsion policy and instead protect the health of asylum seekers during COVID-19 by expeditiously paroling them into the U.S., reducing needless detention, and putting a moratorium on all deportations.

48,000 Asylum Seekers Have Been Put in Harm’s Way by the Trump Administration

Oct 03, 2019

This piece describes the devastating consequences of the Trump administration's Migrant Protection Protocols (MPP) (also known as the "Remain in Mexico" policy), which forces people seeking asylum to await their court dates in perilous conditions south of the border.

CGRS Comment in Response to DHS and DOJ Request for Comments: Circumvention of Lawful Pathways, 88 Fed. Reg. 31314

Executive Branch Comment
Jun 14, 2023

We submitted our analysis of the government's final "asylum ban" rule, which bars from asylum most people seeking protection at the U.S. southern border. Our comment urges the agencies to withdraw the rule in its entirety.

Far from Safety: Dangers and Limits to Protection for Asylum Seekers Transiting through Latin America

Apr 21, 2023

This report covers the legal and policy context of the Biden administration’s proposed "asylum ban" and highlights nine transit countries' inability to protect asylum seekers. It also provides recommendations to the U.S. government based on its legal and moral obligations to refugees.

CGRS Comment in Response to DHS and DOJ Request for Comments: Circumvention of Lawful Pathways, 88 Fed. Reg. 11704

Executive Branch Comment
Mar 27, 2023

We submitted our analysis of the government's proposed "asylum ban" rule, which would bar from asylum most people seeking protection at the U.S. southern border. Our comment urges the agencies to withdraw the rule in its entirety.

Making a Mockery of Asylum: The Proposed Asylum Ban, Relying on the CBP One App for Access to Ports of Entry, Will Separate Families and Deny Protection

Mar 27, 2023

This factsheet presents findings from a series of interviews with individuals and families in Tijuana, focused on their experiences using the U.S. government's CBP One app and awaiting an opportunity to exercise their legal right to seek asylum at the U.S. border, which the Biden administration's proposed asylum ban will greatly undermine.