Title 42

Request for precautionary measures to the Inter-American Commission on Human Rights on behalf of asylum seekers who have been or would be expelled from the United States under Title 42

Human Rights Body Submission
October 1, 2021

We and our co-authors filed this request to the Inter-American Commission on Human Rights on behalf of asylum seekers who have been or would be expelled from the United States under Title 42.

Submission for Report of the Special Rapporteur on the human rights of migrants: Human rights violations at international borders: trends, prevention and accountability

Human Rights Body Submission
February 28, 2022

We joined other human and migrant rights organizations and coalitions in submitting a report to the UN Special Rapporteur on the Human Rights of Migrants to contribute to the Report of the Special Rapporteur on the human rights of migrants: Human rights violations at international borders: trends

Migrant Rights Groups Urge Presidents Biden and López Obrador to Prioritize Human Rights and Migrant Protections in Bilateral Meeting

Sign-on Letter
July 11, 2022

We joined a letter to President Biden and President López Obrador urging them to center their discussion of migration on human rights, protection, and the expansion of legal pathways and respect commitments in the four pillars of the Los Angeles Declaration on Migration and Protection.

México no debe adoptar más acuerdos bilaterales con EEUU que vulneren el derecho a solicitar y recibir asilo

Sign-on Letter
December 18, 2023

Carta pública dirigida a la Secretaría de Relaciones Exteriores de México, Alicia Báracena para hacer un llamado para que México no acepte ningún acuerdo adicional con Estados Unidos que incremente expulsiones de personas, desde ese país a territorio mexicano, transgrediendo aún más el derecho a solicitar y recibir asilo y exponiendo a las personas en situación de movilidad a abusos y violaciones a derechos humanos.

Mexico Should Refrain from Adopting Bilateral Agreements with the U.S that Violate the Right to Seek Asylum

Sign-on Letter
December 18, 2023

We joined an open letter addressed to the Secretary of Foreign Affairs of Mexico, Alicia Báracena, urging the Mexican government to refrain from agreeing to more migrant expulsions from the United States in light of restrictive, anti-asylum proposals being considered by the U.S. Congress.

Organizaciones a lo largo de las Américas condenan la expansión del Título 42 para personas venezolanas y la crisis humanitaria regional que se ha exacerbado como resultado

Sign-on Letter
November 1, 2022

This letter condemns the Biden administration's expansion of Title 42 and calls on the United States and all signatory countries of the Los Angeles Declaration to reverse course and ensure the humane reception of Venezuelans and others seeking safety in the region.

Civil Society Organizations Across the Americas Condemn US Government Expansion of Title 42 and Regional Restrictions to Asylum Access; Sound the Alarm on Growing Humanitarian Crisis

Sign-on Letter
November 1, 2022

This letter condemns the Biden administration's expansion of Title 42 and calls on the United States and all signatory countries of the Los Angeles Declaration to reverse course and ensure the humane reception of Venezuelans and others seeking safety in the region.

Joint Letter to Presidents Biden and Lopez Obrador, and Prime Minister Trudeau

Sign-on Letter
January 9, 2023

We joined a letter to President Biden, President Lopez Obrador, and Prime Minister Trudeau, urging them to fulfill the commitment made in the LA Declaration on Migration and Protection and center human rights, humanitarian protection, and access to asylum for individuals fleeing persecution.
