Asylum Procedures

México no debe adoptar más acuerdos bilaterales con EEUU que vulneren el derecho a solicitar y recibir asilo

Sign-on Letter
December 18, 2023

Carta pública dirigida a la Secretaría de Relaciones Exteriores de México, Alicia Báracena para hacer un llamado para que México no acepte ningún acuerdo adicional con Estados Unidos que incremente expulsiones de personas, desde ese país a territorio mexicano, transgrediendo aún más el derecho a solicitar y recibir asilo y exponiendo a las personas en situación de movilidad a abusos y violaciones a derechos humanos.

Mexico Should Refrain from Adopting Bilateral Agreements with the U.S that Violate the Right to Seek Asylum

Sign-on Letter
December 18, 2023

We joined an open letter addressed to the Secretary of Foreign Affairs of Mexico, Alicia Báracena, urging the Mexican government to refrain from agreeing to more migrant expulsions from the United States in light of restrictive, anti-asylum proposals being considered by the U.S. Congress.

Selling Out LGBTQ Immigrants Will Result in the Death of Queer and Trans Asylum Seekers

Sign-on Letter
December 14, 2023

CGRS joined 40 LGBTQ+ and immigrant rights organizations in a letter to Congress and President Biden, urging them to reject legislative proposals that would gut asylum protections for LGBTQ+ refugees.

CGRS Comment in Response to DHS Request for Comments: Procedures for Credible Fear Screening and Consideration of Asylum, Withholding of Removal, and CAT Protection Claims by Asylum Officers, 87 Fed. Reg. 18078

Executive Branch Comment
May 26, 2022

We submitted our analysis of the Joint Interim Final Rule, urging the Departments of Justice and Homeland Security to make improvements to the Rule to ensure that asylum seekers are not rushed through a process with a high risk of mistaken decisions resulting in return to their country of origin.
