Sign-on Letter

Request to Provide a Minimum of 60 days for Public Comment in Response to the Department of Homeland Security (DHS) Notice of Proposed Rulemaking (NPRM): Application of Certain Mandatory Bars in Fear Screenings

Sign-on Letter
May 21, 2024

CGRS and 77 other organizations called on DHS to extend the comment period to a minimum of at least 60 days after DHS proposed a new rule governing fear screenings by asylum officers with an atypical, abbreviated 30-day comment period.

Immigration Advocacy and National Faith, Progressive, Human and Civil Rights Organizations Oppose Further Senate Movement on Anti-Immigrant Legislation

Sign-on Letter
May 15, 2024

This joint statement expresses opposition to reported plans by Leader Schumer and Senate leadership to bring the failed Lankford-Murphy immigration bill, any of its components or paired with other bills, to the floor for a vote.

Organizaciones de la sociedad civil de las Américas condenan la expansión del Título 42 por parte del Gobierno de Estados Unidos y las restricciones en la región al acceso al asilo, y alertan sobre la creciente crisis humanitaria

Sign-on Letter
November 1, 2022

Un pronunciamiento por 104 grupos para condenar la decisión de la administración de Biden, en cooperación con el Gobierno de México de expandir el Título 42.

Violencia sexual y basada en género en contra de personas migrantes en el Tapón del Darién

Sign-on Letter
April 18, 2022

Nos unimos a una carta a los secretarios Blinken y Mayorkas sobre los casos de violencia sexual y basada en género contra personas migrantes que transitan por el Tapón del Darién.

Sexual and Gender-Based Violence against Migrants in the Darién Gap

Sign-on Letter
April 18, 2022

We joined the Haitian Bridge Alliance, and RFK Human Rights in a letter to Secretary Blinken and Secretary Mayorkas about raising the issue of sexual and gender-based violence assault cases targeting migrants as they pass through the Darién Gap.

Migrant Rights Groups Urge Presidents Biden and López Obrador to Prioritize Human Rights and Migrant Protections in Bilateral Meeting

Sign-on Letter
July 11, 2022

We joined a letter to President Biden and President López Obrador urging them to center their discussion of migration on human rights, protection, and the expansion of legal pathways and respect commitments in the four pillars of the Los Angeles Declaration on Migration and Protection.

Advocates Tell Biden Officials: Proposed Immigration Policy Changes Will Fail and Cause Great Harm to Asylum

Sign-on Letter
February 23, 2024

We joined more than 150 organizations in a letter to President Biden urging him to reverse course following reports that the administration may wield its executive power to enact extreme anti-asylum policies.

México no debe adoptar más acuerdos bilaterales con EEUU que vulneren el derecho a solicitar y recibir asilo

Sign-on Letter
December 18, 2023

Carta pública dirigida a la Secretaría de Relaciones Exteriores de México, Alicia Báracena para hacer un llamado para que México no acepte ningún acuerdo adicional con Estados Unidos que incremente expulsiones de personas, desde ese país a territorio mexicano, transgrediendo aún más el derecho a solicitar y recibir asilo y exponiendo a las personas en situación de movilidad a abusos y violaciones a derechos humanos.

Mexico Should Refrain from Adopting Bilateral Agreements with the U.S that Violate the Right to Seek Asylum

Sign-on Letter
December 18, 2023

We joined an open letter addressed to the Secretary of Foreign Affairs of Mexico, Alicia Báracena, urging the Mexican government to refrain from agreeing to more migrant expulsions from the United States in light of restrictive, anti-asylum proposals being considered by the U.S. Congress.
