CGRS's TA Library is provided free and on-demand at any time on our website. Our program is made possible by the contributions of our users. By reporting outcomes and submitting sample materials, you can help us provide better quality assistance to other advocates.

To access the TA Library, you will need to fill out a case intake form. The form requests basic information about the fear-of-return case you are working on. The information you provide informs the resources you will receive and provides CGRS staff with important data that helps us assist you with your case, so ensure that the details are accurate and descriptive.

Once you have filled out the form, you will be automatically redirected to a curated resource library containing all of our currently-available litigation support materials, including country conditions research, universal expert declarations, sample materials, practice advisories, and more. Use the filters on the left side of the library to navigate. You can also access the TA Library for all prior-submitted cases on your My Account page.

CGRS's Expert Witness Database is a free, searchable repository of referrals for country conditions, medical, and mental health experts. Navigate the database using filters on the left side, and view expert profiles to learn more about their qualifications and contact information.

CGRS regularly holds and participates in events and trainings in California and around the country and internationally to increase awareness, knowledge, and expertise on refugee law and policy and human rights. Our events and trainings are generally open to the public, including attorneys, government officials, human rights advocates, social service providers, law and undergraduate students, media and others. See upcoming opportunities at the link below, and check back often, as we are regularly scheduling new trainings.

Help support CGRS's work and other advocates by reporting an outcome in your fear-of-return case! CGRS collects case outcomes to inform our TA material creation, advocacy, and impact litigation. Additionally, our outcomes help us track and respond to adjudication trends nationwide. Learn more about how to report an outcome below.