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Policy Analysis and Recommendations

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The Center for Gender & Refugee Studies (CGRS) is a leading voice in the movement to rebuild the U.S. asylum system and expand access to protection for women, children, LGBTQ+ people, and others seeking refuge. Our Policy & Advocacy team serves as a critical resource on asylum to policymakers, journalists, and the public. We provide rapid analysis of policy developments and offer practical recommendations for decision-makers at all levels of government, advising our leaders on how to ensure the United States lives up to its legal and moral commitments to people fleeing persecution.

Civil Society Organizations Across the Americas Condemn US Government Expansion of Title 42 and Regional Restrictions to Asylum Access; Sound the Alarm on Growing Humanitarian Crisis

Sign-on Letter
Nov 01, 2022

This letter condemns the Biden administration's expansion of Title 42 and calls on the United States and all signatory countries of the Los Angeles Declaration to reverse course and ensure the humane reception of Venezuelans and others seeking safety in the region.

Organizaciones a lo largo de las Américas condenan la expansión del Título 42 para personas venezolanas y la crisis humanitaria regional que se ha exacerbado como resultado

Sign-on Letter
Nov 01, 2022

This letter condemns the Biden administration's expansion of Title 42 and calls on the United States and all signatory countries of the Los Angeles Declaration to reverse course and ensure the humane reception of Venezuelans and others seeking safety in the region.

Reporte a la Commission Interaméricaine des Droits de l’Homme sur la Situation des Femmes et des Jeunes Filles Victimes de Violences Sexuelles en Haïti

Human Rights Body Submission
Oct 07, 2022

Nous et nos coauteurs avons déposé un rapport à la Commission interaméricaine des droits de l'homme sur la situation des femmes et des filles victimes de violences sexuelles en Haïti.

Migrant Rights Groups Urge Presidents Biden and López Obrador to Prioritize Human Rights and Migrant Protections in Bilateral Meeting

Sign-on Letter
Jul 11, 2022

We joined a letter to President Biden and President López Obrador urging them to center their discussion of migration on human rights, protection, and the expansion of legal pathways and respect commitments in the four pillars of the Los Angeles Declaration on Migration and Protection.

Organizaciones de la sociedad civil piden a los presidentes Biden y López Obrador que prioricen los derechos humanos y protecciones para migrantes durante reunión bilateral

Sign-on Letter
Jul 11, 2022

Esta carta del 86 organizaciones al presidente Biden y al presidente López Obrador recomienda que ambas administraciones perseguir políticas que garanticen el acceso y seguridad para immigrantes, y que restablecer el acceso al asilo y la protección en la frontera de EE.UU y México.