Our Work » Litigation


Help Defend Asylum

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Defending asylum seekers in court is at the heart of what we do. The Center for Gender & Refugee Studies is committed to protecting as many refugees as possible under existing law even as we work for a more just legal system. We litigate in two key areas: advancing substantive asylum law to keep legal avenues open for refugees and protecting the asylum system itself to make sure that people have access to a fair legal process. This litigation docket provides an update on some of the major cases that CGRS is fighting in court.

Matter of L-E-A-

Mother and baby sitting on steps. Mother holds a sign that reads migrar no es un crimen. Ya basta de deportaciones.

CGRS provided amicus support and helped secure a reversal of the Trump-era ruling in Matter of L-E-A-, which undermined access to protection for people fleeing persecution related to their family ties.

U.T. v. Barr

Guatemalan parent and child.

CGRS and co-counsel brought a lawsuit challenging the Trump administration's “Asylum Cooperative Agreements” with Guatemala, El Salvador, and Honduras.