CGRS Reacts to Supreme Court Ruling: The Court’s Setback Presents an Opportunity for the Administration

June 24, 2016

The Center for Gender & Refugee Studies issues the following statement in response to the Supreme Court’s June 23, 2016 decision in United States v. Texas:

We are deeply disappointed the Supreme Court erroneously blocked President Obama’s authority to provide protection from deportation for individuals in this country without legal status. The result: millions continuing to live in fear and at risk of separation from their families or return to countries where they fear harm. But this is only a setback and not the end of the story for this Administration.

The Center for Gender & Refugee Studies (CGRS) calls on President Obama to use his remaining months in office to provide relief for immigrant families living in the shadows. “We join the growing chorus that asks the President to choose a new path and forge a new legacy by ending policies of mass incarceration and deportation and adopting those that respect the dignity and freedom of all immigrants and refugees who find themselves on our shores,” says CGRS Co-Legal Director Blaine Bookey.

We at CGRS will continue to call for the end of senseless enforcement actions, including raids on women and children, and for a more efficient and fair immigration system that provides adequate protection for all who seek to vindicate their right to remain in the United States.

Learn more about the Supreme Court’s ruling, its impact on existing programs, and read what others are saying:

Asian American Legal Defense and Education Fund

Asian Pacific American Labor Alliance

Church World Service

Latin American Working Group

National Day Laborer Organizing Network

National Immigrant Justice Center

National Immigration Law Center