The Center for Gender & Refugee Studies (CGRS) decries yesterday’s Supreme Court ruling allowing the Trump Administration’s Muslim ban to remain in effect. The latest version of the ban is no less discriminatory than its previous iterations, and yesterday’s decision marks a failure on the part of the Court to hold this Administration accountable for its unconstitutional attacks on Muslim communities. We are deeply disappointed that the Court accepted the government’s weak attempts to rationalize a policy that has always, at its core, been motivated by the president’s deep-seated hostility towards Muslims. As Justice Sotomayor wrote in her dissent, “A reasonable observer would conclude that the [ban] was driven primarily by anti-Muslim animus, rather than by the Government’s asserted national-security justifications.” In turning a blind eye to the Trump Administration’s Islamophobia, the Court undermines the fundamental values of religious freedom and inclusion that our country purports to champion.
Introduced during the president’s first week in office, the Muslim ban has become emblematic of his Administration’s broader assault on immigrant families of color. CGRS Director and Professor Karen Musalo had this to say of the decision: “The ban has already done irreparable harm, upending the lives of countless families and communities. The Court’s shameful ruling will be a stain on our history that only through tireless advocacy will we start to wash away.” In the wake of this devastating decision, CGRS stands in solidarity with our Muslim neighbors and community members. We call on our legislators to take immediate action to end the Muslim ban once and for all.
Asian Americans Advancing Justice - Asian Law Caucus has compiled the following resources for families and communities impacted by the Supreme Court's ruling:
- Know Your Rights Materials: What we know about the Muslim Ban and how it may affect you. These resources are also available in Farsi and Arabic.
- Intake Form: If you are directly affected by the Muslim Ban and seeking free legal services, you can contact one of Asian Law Caucus' lawyers using their online intake form.