CGRS Condemns Muslim Ban 3.0

September 26, 2017

On Sunday President Trump issued a new Proclamation revising his Administration’s second travel ban, just ahead of its scheduled partial expiration. The Center for Gender & Refugee Studies (CGRS) decries this new ban, which remains as discriminatory and unconstitutional as previous iterations.

The new ban continues to impact nationals of Iran, Libya, Somalia, Syria, and Yemen, and now also includes provisions restricting admissions for nationals of Chad, North Korea, and Venezuela. The extent of the policy’s exclusion varies by country, ranging from the restriction of immigrant visas to a total ban on both immigrant and non-immigrant entries. However, the Proclamation retains key aspects of the prior versions and does not modify the suspension and curtailments of refugee admissions.

Adding two non-majority Muslim countries - North Korea and Venezuela - to the list of banned countries does not erase the clear anti-Muslim animus underpinning the first unconstitutional travel ban issued in January, especially given the low number of individuals affected from these countries. And while the new ban purports to protect the United States against terrorism, it remains an illogical policy that does not advance public safety. It is just the latest in this Administration’s long line of shameful attacks on immigrant communities of color.

CGRS remains steadfastly opposed to the ban and reaffirms our rejection of any policy designed to target individuals on the basis of their religion or national origin. We call on all members of our government to oppose this unjust policy.

Stand with affected communities and call for #NoMuslimBanEver!

  • Share widely the latest community advisory from the Council on American-Islamic Relations (CAIR) - San Francisco Bay Area and Advancing Justice - Asian Law Caucus, which explains what affected communities should know about the new travel ban. This fact sheet from Muslim Advocates, the American-Arab Anti-Discrimination Committee, and the PennState Law Center for Immigrants’ Rights Clinic also provides a helpful breakdown of the new policy.
  • Share critical Know Your Rights resources from the National Immigration Law Center and the ACLU. You can also request a free Know Your Rights presentation in English, Farsi, or Arabic from CAIR - San Francisco Bay Area.
  • If you or someone you know is impacted by the ban or encounters issues at an airport or other port of entry, fill out CAIR - San Francisco Bay Area’s intake form to access free legal services.
  • Speak out against the ban on social media using the hashtag #NoMuslimBanEver. Downloadable graphics and sample tweets are available from the No Muslim Ban Ever campaign.
  • Learn more about how you can mobilize against the latest ban at