Pronouns: she/her
Tereza manages CGRS's grants portfolio and implements our institutional development strategy. Prior to joining CGRS, Tereza worked as an instructor of record in the College of Fine Arts at Ohio university. She taught introductory courses to the Arts while completing her Ph.D. in Interdisciplinary Arts. Tereza holds M.A. degrees in African Studies and History from Ohio University. As an avid human rights advocate and academic, she has conducted several research projects on women and gender issues in post-conflict countries from political, historical, and cultural perspectives. Her areas of research and study focus on the strategic and instrumental roles women play in conflict resolution, gender-responsive peacebuilding approaches, and constructions and reconstructions of gender in guerrilla camps and post-war societies.
Languages: Tigrinya, English, Amharic
Ohio University, Ph.D. in Interdisciplinary Arts
Ohio University, M.A. in African Studies, and History
Eritrea Institute of Technology, B.A. in English Language and Literature