Lilli Rey

Help Defend Asylum

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Co-Founder, Bay Area Border Relief


Lilli is a human rights community activist with years of volunteer experience with a focus on protecting and restoring the rights of women. A political fundraiser for the past 15 years, Lilli has worked for Congresswoman Jackie Speier and other Democratic candidates and causes. She was a Hillary delegate at the National Convention in both 2008and 2016. For 9 years, Lilli has been on the board of Protect Our Defenders, the only national organization solely dedicated to ending military sexual assault. Two and a half years ago, outraged by the family separation policy, Lilli traveled to the south Texas border with a small group of like minded people. Shortly upon returning home to the SF Bay Area, Bay Area Border Relief (BABR) was created. Prior to the pandemic, BABR made seven trips to the border, bringing truck loads of supplies and support of numerous volunteers of varied backgrounds. BABR continues to support asylum seekers here in the US as well as those stuck in Matamoros under the cruel policy of MPP. She is optimistic to see dignity and kindness return to the asylum process as seeking asylum is a simple human right.

Last fall Lilli joined the board of ALAS, a nonprofit in Half Moon Bay who works with the coastside community of families, youth and farmworkers. She gets involved with the weekly food pantry and farmworker Friday lunch programs.